Winter Blues Got You Down?

Greyer months got you down? Do you go to bed dreaming of the Spring sun? We do too. And we might do it more than most, since Vancouver is known to rain. A lot.

Lucky for you, we’ve acclimated to our wet climate, and with this acceptance comes a whole lot of tips and tricks in combating - and embracing - the Winter Blues.

Get Your Vitamins

If you haven’t heard of Body Energy Club, ask yourself why, and then book it over to your closest location. Fortunately for us, they’re our new neighbours.

From their smoothies to Acai bowls, Body Energy Club has everything you need to ensure your body is functioning the best it can. Plus, there’s something about a fruity drink that takes you back to warmer days.

So, grab yourself a Nutty Cashew and some Vitamin D supplements (you know, what you’d otherwise get from the sun) and you’ll be feelin’ like a 10 even when the weather outside is a -12.


Get High

Not like that. People in Vancouver have a favourite saying - “when it’s raining in the city, it’s snowing in the city.” So get up, and go up.

When it’s drizzling in the city, move on to the local mountains. Both Cypress and Seymour have great snowshoe trails, so slap on your spikes and take to the trails. Chances are you’ll emerge above the clouds to hit the peak of Dog Mountain or Hollyburn and catch a bit of blissful sun. Even if the sun doesn’t cooperate, the endorphins will make you feel like they did.

 On the worst days, when the rain feels like it’s coming in sideways, you need to go higher. To Whistler-Blackcomb, that is. We’re lucky to have a world-class skiing destination a couple hours from our Gastown doorstep, so we get up. A lot. Scope out the sun. Pick a mountain. Go up the chairlift. Find your bliss. Especially on a day that turns out to be a bluebird. Now don’t forget to Instagram those runs, your city friends will be oh so jealous.


Stretch It Out

On the days you need some heat, stretch it out. Vinyasa yoga will burn you up from the inside, whereas hot or Bikram yoga will trick you into thinking you’re somewhere balmy (at least with your eyes closed.)

We love our neighbours at One Yoga. It’s a supportive and encouraging space filled with DUERs, offering everything from traditional yoga to acro.


And there you have it. Our tips for combatting the Winter Blues. And, if all else fails, a little retail therapy never hurt - especially when that therapy comes with a playground.